Episode 28: Long Days of Small Things with Catherine McNiel

In this episode, we’re talking with Catherine McNiel about incorporating spiritual disciplines into our lives as mothers. That’s right: we’re diving into rich, soul-inspiring practices for moms who want to grow in their faith, but have neither quiet nor time. Regardless of your background, this is a guilt-free episode for mothers who want to connect with God without adding more “shoulds” into their lives. Plus, Catherine’s encouragement to young mommas who find going to church in this stage of life flat out exhausting.

Show Notes:

The Coffee + Crumbs podcast is made possible thanks to the support of advertisers like PrepDish and JellyTelly. You can support our show by supporting these brands. Thank you, PrepDish, for saving our sanity in the kitchen, and thank you JellyTelly, for entertaining our children while we chop and stir. Learn more at prepdish.com/coffee21 and jellytelly.com. For JellyTelly, make sure to use the coupon code COFFEEANDCRUMBS to get a 10 page Jesus Coloring Book Download and your first week free.

Connect with Catherine McNiel on Twitter, Facebook, or her website.

Catherine’s book, Long Days of Small Things: Motherhood as a Spiritual Discipline is available on Amazon or wherever you buy books

April’s favorite candle for a cause

Lesley’s no-guilt sweet treat

Seeds Family Worship, scripture songs and resources for families

Richard Foster’s book best selling book, Celebration of Discipline

The Sesame Street app that teaches kids how to calm themselves (Anyone know if an adult version exists? Maybe that’s what yoga is for?)

Learning to Listen To Your Life, the journaling exercise Lesley recommended from Liz Ditty

Have a spiritual discipline that works for you amidst crazy days of parenting? Please tag your photo, #longdaysofsmallthings and #coffeeandcrumbs

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