April Bonus Episode: Kids + Tech (Our Version)

We couldn’t learn the cold, hard truth about kids and technology from Dr. Jean Twenge and not debrief with our favorite moms on the internet. So today, we’re chatting about our takeaways, action steps, and some of the habits we’re still working on. Not only does Katie offer insight into how technology can affect kids with neurodivergent symptoms, she also pulls the curtain back on the recent screen-time detox she implemented in her home (spoiler alert: it wasn’t easy 😅). Meanwhile, Ashlee’s raving about her new alarm clock (shoutout to Jean for the no-phones-in-bedrooms rule!) and contemplating starting a book club with local parents to collectively fight for change. We hope you hear heaps of humility and grace in this conversation, because the only thing we know for certain is that all of this starts with US.


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