Coffee + Crumbs

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2016 Reader Survey

Hello and happy new year from the Coffee + Crumbs team! It has been about a year since our first reader survey, and we'd love to take a quick opportunity to pick your brain again. As we continue to grow and pursue big dreams for this little space, we wanted to check in to see how we're doing. 

Our goal at Coffee + Crumbs is to encourage mothers around the world through the power of shared experiences and beautiful storytelling. At the heart of this survey, we really want to know: are we accomplishing that? (We certainly hope so!)

Our intention and prayer is that we will continue to encourage and inspire you along your motherhood journey this year. We have exciting things in the works for 2016, like a podcast (for real this time), our new writing workshop, a fun monthly newsletter, a Top Secret E-book idea (ooooh lala!), and more.

Every day we are dreaming up ways to make this space better and brighter, and we owe it all to you. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for every comment, every FB share, every e-mail, every word of encouragement you sent us in 2015. We know this site looks pretty on the outside, but there is also a lot of work, fear, insecurity, and doubt that goes on behind the scenes of C+C. Your encouragement is what keeps us going. 

We are all moms, just like you, trying to use our gifts and use them well. This platform has been incredible for us, and not a day goes by that we do not feel grateful for that. We love writing about motherhood, and we love writing for you. You keep us inspired, and you keep us brave. 

Without further ado:

2016 Coffee + Crumbs Reader Survey

We'll be collecting answers today through Friday. As a thank you for your time, we're offering up this special coloring page printable designed by the ever talented Grace Langer. Fill out the survey, and you'll get a link to download the coloring page! (Seriously, have you tried adult coloring? It's super relaxing - best paired with a face mask, lit candle, and glass of wine. Enjoy, mommas!)