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About Us


We tell stories about motherhood.



Mothers + Storytellers +

Mothers + Storytellers +


What People Are Saying:

“Coffee + Crumbs has been the invisible village for me on more than one day as I walk through the wilderness of this thing called parenting. Thank you for building us all up.” - Catie 

“I came across your site about a year ago while I was up in the middle of the night nursing my third baby, and I was immediately hooked. All of the content is helpful and fun, thought-provoking and aesthetically pleasing. You have also encouraged me to continue blogging. I started after my second son was born with Down syndrome and it's been such a great way for me to process my feelings and share what it's like to have a child with special needs.” - Jessica

“I've read all the baby books and they did nothing to quell the fear in my heart. But here, you’ve shown me strength and hope, and that I may lose my dignity along with my waist size, but I won't lose my heart. Thank you.” - Jennifer

“I became a mom three months ago, and am the first in my group of close friends to have a baby. Your words and conversations are teaching me to give grace rather than give in to guilt, to be and do all I can and let God take care of the rest, and to truly enjoy every phase of motherhood because there are so many aspects of it. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.” - Rebecca

“I'm not a mother … yet, but the majority of my friends are raising beautiful children and they're working their tails off doing it. The stories you ladies pour out day after day have expanded my understanding and helped me become a more supportive and encouraging friend to them. Thank you for that. Thank you for helping me love them better.”  - Elizabeth


We are—to put it simply—mothers and storytellers.

In 2014, Coffee + Crumbs launched as a collaborative storytelling blog about motherhood. The vision was simple: a pure, honest place for mothers to share stories with one another. No clickbait, no listicles, no advice. No flashing ads; no sponsored content. 

Just raw, vulnerable stories.

In the past five years we also launched a podcast, published a book, created an annual brunch, and built an online community for other women who want to pursue creativity alongside motherhood.

At the core of our space, we want women to feel safe, known, encouraged and loved.



“Motherhood is a club I always wanted to be a part of, but was afraid I would never get to join. You’ve inspired me to write down my own story, and I have found writing to be therapeutic in a way I never imagined. Thank you for all the ways you are encouraging and inspiring women across the world. God is using you and your gifts in ways you may never know.” - Kennedy

