Coffee + Crumbs

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January Bonus Episode: Our Relationship with Stuff

Today’s conversation is brought to you by Frantic New Year Decluttering™️ (we’re not the only ones doing this, right?!). While there is certainly some life-changing magic in getting rid of stuff, today we are mostly addressing our feelings about that stuff. In this episode, special guest Wendy Trigsted joins Ashlee for a conversation about the five attachment syndromes. From gifts we’ve received (and don’t love) to items we’re holding onto on behalf of “someday”—we dig into some of the most consistent reasons people keep things they don’t need to keep. Our biggest takeaway? If the piles around our house are made up of things we truly use and love and have a place to go at the end of the day, peace naturally follows. (Also, sometimes we just need to calm the heck down.) Happy cleaning!

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